Thursday, February 28, 2013

MILA is loaded with...Omega3-s

Mila® is a proprietary blend of Salvia hispanica L., more commonly known as chia seed. A long-time staple of the Incan, Mayan, Aztec and Native American cultures, chia seeds are nature’s perfect super-food! (Chia is actually the Mayan word for strength.)  For Mila, specific strains of seeds are grown to our exact specifications and then carefully blended to produce maximized nutritional value. This mixture is then processed with Lifemax’s exclusive system to optimize bioavailability.
MILA is loaded with Omega 3's.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dr.Bob Arnot's Book Aztec Diet and Mila in his smoothies

Congratulations to Dr Bob Arnot on the release of this fantastic book!! It's already reached the top ten list of books on Amazon PRE RELEASE!! The health benefits of Chia are amazing and which Chia does Dr Bob share with you in the book? Yes, the best of the best of the best!! See the PURPLE SCOOP..... MILA!! Get the book and get your Mila today!!

for more info on Mila contact me.

Monday, February 25, 2013

When Mila is hydrated, it can hold up to 9 times its weight in liquid!  This can help you to feel full, having a satiated effect, reduce cravings and even moderate blood sugar levels. 
"One serving of Mila has about 6 times fewer calories from the best sources of the same nutrient."

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Gram per Gram, MILA has:

  • 8x more omega-3s than Atlantic farmed or wild salmon
  • 6x more calcium than milk
  • 3x more iron than spinach
  • 2x more potassium than bananas
  • 15x more magnesium than broccoli
  • 2x more fiber than bran flakes
  • 6x more protein than kidney beans
  • 2x more selenium than flax seed
  • 9x more phosphorous than milk
  • More antioxidants than blueberries

Do we KNOW where the FISH we eat have been?
We only know (or are told) where they've been caught!

I have met a woman who loved eating fish so much she is recovering from 
Mercury Poisoning because of it!  She won't be eating fish too soon !  

And if you click on the FB link below (from a friend, of a friend, of a friend on FB) --
WARNING--you may never eat fish again....

Plant based Omega3s are so much safer!  
 I want my MILA!!!

MILA by Lifemax
for more information

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Difference between MILA and other chia products

One of the things Mila by Lifemax is:
A proprietary blend of Salvia hispanica L., carefully selected to maximize its nutritional value

"How is MILA different than other Chia nutritionally?
There are over 100 varieties of chia seeds.  Most of the chia brands on the market are mass produced and not tested for specific nutritional values, variety or potency, not thoroughly cleaned, and not all harvested at their peak of nutrition.
MILA seeds are mostly grown on small farms close to the equator where the soil is very mineral rich, and the climate and elevation is perfect to produce the most nutrient dense seeds.  Lifemax independently tests each crop to ensure that every bag of MILA has the varieties that are the highest in Omega-3′s, protein, fiber, antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals.  Not only is the Mila blend hand selected, it is also meticulously cleaned to ensure there are no stems, weed seeds or unripened seeds.
Lifemax is the only company that uses a proprietary cold fracturing system to open the seeds, making them easier to digest and much more bio-available -meaning the nutrients absorb easily and are utilized by our body to continuously heal and bring balance on a cellular level.  Oftentimes, whole seeds do not break down easily and therefore they move through our system without being absorbed and utilized for their powerful nutritional qualities.  Seeds that are ground in large quantities (such as ground chia sold in stores) can heat up during the grinding process which destroys enzymes (life force), causing oxidation and tremendous loss of nutrients.
Many people have reported significant health upgrades consuming Mila that they did not receive while eating other chia seed brands, including us!"

More information can be found at:

Monday, February 18, 2013

MILA, world's healthiest food re discovered!  There I've said it again!  It's happening!  MILA reDiscovered on Fox & Friends on Saturday February 16, 2013, with @Dr. Bob Arnot who is announcing his new book +"The Aztec Diet" 

Shed pounds with the Aztec Diet ...
Dr. Bob Arnot unveils the power of chia